Ultra-Sound Testing - GRP/FRP & Composites

For the assessment of mechanical and physical properties, and the detection of material defects. Ultrasound can measure for; impact damage, delamination, voids, fibre and resin volume, mechanical strength and condition of the fibre/matrix interface.

Ultrasonic testing is non-destructive, it is a most useful test and will reveal the internal structure. Preparations to interior surfaces will have to be made to ensure the transducer makes good contact.

The survey will systematically scan in regularly spaced distances and assemble information on the condition of the laminate or composite, and then summarize the results relative to the positions taken. The results are presented on a table with precise definitions of the structure for each position.

The survey will provide a conclusion as to the extent of what was found and the overall condition of the structure. The conclusion can make recommendations and suggest repair processes which can include estimates of the work required, related costs and timescales if requested.